Our SocialFi Platform gives you unparalleled access where you can experience Social, Fashion, Gaming and Entertainment all at one place. In addition to bringing games and social experiences onto Web 3.0, the NFTv SocialFi Platform and its DAO governance system empower creators to build and make meaningful decisions that will shape the world that they live and play in. Our world is your canvas.

Evolution from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0

Ownership of decentralized data

  1. Content creators owned their posting of images, text, videos, and files and are incentivized when it generates traffic

  2. All digital and social footprints of users are decentralized and recorded in their crypto wallet history

  3. Owner rights to share their digital and social footprints to the platform for accurate advertising purposes will be incentivized

Open & transparent advertising

  1. Advertisers will be able to pick suitable areas of advertising based on genre of numerous content created on the platform

  2. Advertising fees are transparent and are derived from real blockchain-based social data

  3. Blockchain based auction system to bid for ad placements

Empowering a creator's paradise

  1. A platform of ownership of content by creators which can help to drive real social data on their content

  2. NFTs play a key part in converting selected content into NFTs for future monetizing benefits for creators, owners, and consumers

  3. Content (Text/Image/Video) in the form of NFT with real social data provides a strong proof of traffic for advertisers to place their ads

Delivering social truth

  1. All social actions such as likes, comments, and sharing are only made possible with a crypto wallet owned by real users

  2. With true social activities allows advertisers to know where is best for the placement of their ads

  3. Converting a highly social interacted content into NFT can create future monetization possibilities

Enabling social rewards

  1. Content consumers are key indicators to advertisers of how popular a content is being viewed, commented, and liked by users

  2. Content consumers can be rewarded for time spent on carrying out their social actions on social content

Paving the future of SocialFi evolution

NFTV SocialFi Platform conducts social analysis of the ever-changing user behaviour and its future is dependable on the users in the platform powered by DAO that will shape the future of the platform.

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